Shuklam baradaram Vishnum..

Friday, January 21, 2011 9:07 AM By Ajay , In , , , ,


Shuklam Baradaram Vishnum, Sasi Varnam Chatur Bhujam,
Prasanna Vadanan Dyayet, Sarva Vignoba Sandaye                                 1

Dressed in white you are,
Oh, all pervading one,
And glowing with the colour of moon.
With four arms, you are, the all knowing one
 I meditate on your ever-smiling face,
 And pray, “ Remove all obstacles on my way”.

Vyasam Vasishtanaptharam, Sakthe Poutramakalmasham,
Parasarathmajam vande, Shukathatham Taponidhim.                              2

I bow before you Vyasa,
The treasure house of penance,
The great grand son of   Vasishta.
The grand son of Shakthi,
The son of Parasara.
And the father of Shuka,

Vyasa Vishnu Roopaya, Vyasa Roopaya Vishnave,
Nmo Vai Brahma Vidaya, Vasishtaya Namo Nama.                                   3

Bow I before,
Vyasa who is Vishnu,
Vishnu who is Vyasa,
And again and again bow before,
He, who is born,
In the family of Vasishta.

Avikaraya Shuddhaya, Nityaya Paramatmane,
Sadaika Roopa Roopaya, Vishnave Sarva Jishnave.                                4

Bow I before Vishnu
Who is pure,
Who is not affected,
Who is permanent,
Who is the ultimate truth.
And He  who wins over,
All the mortals in this world.

Yasya smarana Mathrena, Janma Samsara bandhanath.
Vimuchayate Nama Tasmai , Vishnave Prabha Vishnave                            

                                   OM Namo Vishnave Prabha Vishnave            5                                            

Bow I before Him,
The all-powerful Vishnu,
The mere thought of whom.
Releases one forever,
Of the ties of birth and life.
                Bow I before the all powerful Vishnu                                           

Shri Vaisampayana Uvacha:-

 Shrutva dharmaneshena , Pavanani cha Sarvasha,
Yudishtra santhanavam Puneravabhya Bhashata                                    6                                 

Sri Vaisampayana said:-

 After hearing a lot,
About Dharma  that carries life,,
And of those methods great,
That  removes sins from ones life,
For ever and  to cleanse,
Yudhishtra asked again,
Bheeshma, the abode of everlasting  peace.

Yudishtra Uvacha:-

Kimekam Daivatham Loke, Kim Vapyegam Parayanam,
Sthuvantha Kam Kamarchanda  Prapnyur Manava Shubham,                           7
Ko Dharma sarva Dharmanam Paramo Matha
Kim Japan Muchyathe Jandur Janma Samsara Bhandanat                              8

Yudishtra asked:-

 In this wide world , Oh Grandpa,
Which is that one God,
Who is the only shelter?

Who is He whom,
Beings worship and pray,
And get salvation great?

Who is He who should oft,
Be worshipped with love?

Which Dharma is so great,
There is none greater?

And which is to be oft chanted,
To get free.
From these bondage of life, cruel?

Bheeshma Uvacha:-

Jagat Prabhum devadevam Anantham Purushottamam,
Stuvan nama Sahasrena, Purusha Sathathothida,                                  9
Tameva charchayan nityam, Bhaktya purushamavyayam,
Dhyayan sthuvan namasyancha yajamanasthameva cha,                              10
Anadi nidhanam vishnum sarva loka Maheswaram
Lokadyaksham stuvannityam Sarva dukkhago bhaved,                               11
Brahmanyam sarva dharmagnam Lokanam keerthi vardhanam,
Lokanatham Mahadbhootham Sarva Bhootha bhavodbhavam                            12
Aeshame sarva dharmanam dharmadhika tamo matha,
Yad bhaktyo pundarikaksham Stuvyr-archanayr-nara sada,                         13
Paramam yo mahatteja, paramam yo mahattapa
Paramam  yo mahad brahma paramam ya parayanam                                  14
Pavithranam Pavithram  yo mangalanam cha mangalam,
Dhaivatham devathanam cha bhootanam yo vya pitha                               15
Yatha sarvani bhoothani bhavandyathi yugagame
Yasmincha pralayam yanthi punareve yuga kshaye                                 16
Tasya Loka pradhanasya Jagannatathasya bhoopathe                              
Vishno nama sahasram me Srunu papa bhayapaham                                  17

Bheeshma Replied:-

That purusha with endless devotion,
Who chants the thousand names ,
Of  He who is the lord of the Universe,
Of  He who is the God of Gods,
Of  He who is limitless,
Would get free  ,
From these bondage of life, cruel

He who also worships and prays,
Daily without break,
That Purusha who does not change,
That Vishnu who does not end or begin,
That God who is the lord of all worlds,
And Him, who presides over the universe,
Would loose without fail,
All the miseries in this life.

Chanting the praises,
Worshipping and singing,
With devotion great,
Of the lotus eyed one ,
Who is partial to the Vedas,
Who is the only  one , who knows the dharma,
Who increases the fame ,
Of those who live in this world,
Who is the master of the universe,
Who is the truth among all those who has life,
And who decides the life of all living,
Is the dharma that is great.

That which is the greatest light,
That which is the greatest penance,
That which is the greatest brahmam,
Is the greatest shelter that I know.

Please hear from me,
The thousand holy names,
Which wash away all sins,
Of  Him who  is purest of the pure,
Of  That which is holiest of holies,
Of Him who  is God among Gods,
Of That father who  lives Without death,
Among all that lives in this world,
Of  Him whom  all the souls,
Were born at the start of the world,
Of  Him  in whom, all that lives,
Will disappear at the end of the world,
And of that  the chief of all this world ,
Who bears the burden of this world..

I would teach you without fail,
Of those names with fame.
Which deal of His qualities great,
And which the sages sing,
So that beings of this wide world,
Become happy and great.

Rishir Namnam Sahsrasya Veda Vyaso Maha Muni

Chando aunustup stada devo bhagawan devaki sutha                               19
Amruthamsu Bhavo Bhhejam Shakthir devaki nandana
Trisama hridayam tasya santhyarthe viniyujyade                                 20

Vishnum Jishnum Mahavishnum Prabha vishnun Maheswaram
Aneka Roopa Daityantham  Namami purushottamam                                  21

These thousand names Yudishtra
Are Sung for peace,
And has Vyasa as the sage,
And is composed in Anusthup metre,
And has its God the son of Devaki,
And its root is Amrutamsudbhava
And its strength the baby of Devaki,
And its heart is Trissama

Bow I before Him,
Who is everywhere,
Who is ever victorious,
Who is in every being,
Who is God of Gods,
Who is the killer of asuras,
And who is the greatest,
Among all purushas.


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